Investment Philosophy
Portfolios that balance returns with risk that won’t keep you up at night.
We believe that no one investment strategy fits all - goals, tolerance and capacity for risk, time frame, and a multitude of other factors all come into play when determining an appropriate investment strategy.
For many, a broadly diversified portfolio, actively monitored and managed will allow them to compound their hard-earned money over time.
For others, a more high-touch portfolio may be required – whether they’re pursuing a specific theme, sector, or strategy – our actively managed strategies, honed over a decade on the buy side, can meet their needs.
Regardless, we believe in a few key tenets when creating and managing portfolios:
- Suitable asset allocation – we create optimized portfolios that are uniquely suitable to each individual.
- Risk management – we believe maintaining a keen focus on mitigating downside is a key value driver. We’re strong adherents to the concept of always searching for a “margin of safety” when managing investments.
- Cost effective implementation – we believe that fees matter – we’ve structured our entire business with the goal of reducing the costs our clients incur.
- Active rebalancing – regularly rebalancing portfolios has a variety of benefits that are broadly underappreciated – it maintains target asset mix, drives higher risk-adjusted returns, and reduces volatility.
- Tax sensitivity – we actively search for opportunities to harvest tax losses (or gains) when appropriate in order to optimize taxes – another way we look to reduce costs for our clients.
- Long term thinking – the market provides us new information on a second by second basis. It’s easy to get caught up in the noise – we’re firm believers in staying focused on the long-term in order to optimize returns.